Fourteen long covid updates…
The last few months have been more long-covid-trauma-coasters but I made it through…
Fourteen long covid updates
*Trigger warning*
You know what I’m touched by? The love that I receive from my Instagram community whilst I’m not online. They know that ‘something’s up’ if I’ve gone quiet…
Many in the long covid world have asked me if I have an update.
I’m slowly finding my words again now and it’s taken me a while to put this together.
The last few months have been what I can only describe as more long-covid-trauma-coasters, together with some flashes of hope.
I’ve found myself in a backlog of mental, physical and emotional processing and self-regulation.
So much happened each day and I just wanted to press a pause button to digest the magnitude and emotions from each event. You know the feeling?
I needed to mute all stimulation and go into my healing cocoon to try and stay afloat.
There’s been some big wins too — cogs have finally been turning for answers to why I’m still severely debilitated, two years after the wrath of covid.
Each update needs it’s own blog post but at least I can share something high level with you guys.
I’m back at baseline now *HURRAH* — many times it felt like I’d never get back here!
Baseline for me now is whispering and trying to walk for five minutes every few days.
It might not sound like much to those privileged with full health but for me it’s *huge* considering how deep the trenches were last month.
I don’t know how long this current phase will last for but right now I’m just feeling pure and utter…relief.
Currently, I’m in deep practices of self-regulation from this latest series of events — processing, writing, releasing and grounding…
If you managed to read this far and you’re wondering whether I’ve received the microscopic clot results yet…
Yeah, I’m STILL waiting…🤣🤯
Docs are setting up a clinical trial and “treatment is risky”.
I have an appointment at the end of May but I hope I get some news before then…
I’ll let you know when I know.🤞🏽🤞🏽
Sending huge beams of love to everyone riding the waves, working through their emotions and learning to find their rhythm again.
Onwards and upwards,
Love Jaz xo