A three part conversation with my mind, whilst I wait for test results…
Why holding space for all thoughts helps me to create psychological flexibility for what I’m to be told…
This conversation with the various archetypes of my mind (and soul) is influenced by my studies of Stoicism and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
I'm often asked how I cope with having so many intense medical tests and how I manage my mental health whilst waiting for the results.
I have a system now which I'll share in another blog post.
One of the ways is an internal dialogue such as this - triggered by self-coaching journal prompts which I work through with my therapists.
I allow each emotion to breathe.
Letting it out of my system is imperative to my mental health.
Accepting the polarity of thoughts.
Moving through it all.
The only way is through.
I have many DM chats with fellow long haulers about these similar internal dialogues.
It's not a simple case of "hoping for positive results" and if you read the conversation, you'll understand why.
Toxic positivity still tries to rear her head but I've learnt to educate her.
And others at that.
Building psychological flexibility is the secret to being able to accept and move through whatever may come your way.
Sending solidarity to all those riding the waves and consciously moving through their own journey.
There is no greater courage.
Love Jaz xo